Speckled Snow Pea

Speckled Snow Pea

Common names: Speckled Snow Pea, Chinese pea, Arvika Peas, Mangetout

Scientific name: Pisum sativum var. macrocarpum

These vibrant dark green shoots burst with fresh pea flavor. Although snow peas can be eaten raw, their thick stem and fibrous texture adapted for winter hardiness allows them to cook much better than other microgreens. Native to Asia, they are known as “dòu miáo” in Mandarin. Snow pea shoots are stir fried with garlic or cooked in soup in classic Chinese cuisine. You will find the flavor to be so abundant and juicy that they hardly need much to be delicious and tender. Sautéed, steamed, or raw on the side or together, it’s hard to miss with speckled snow peas. The long stalks, many leaves, and swirling tendrils characterize a large and elegant shape with the highest dry weight of all microgreens. This biomass includes extremely rich levels of Vitamin A and C - easily enough to satisfy your daily needs of both per serving. They are also high in Vitamin K, iron, and calcium.


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